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Searching for moderators

Moderators, please look into this..
What the hell is going on with smash/sweep in PVP? I hit a Mara last night for 4.5k when he was at 10% health and he didn't die. I see this not.....
Are there still moderators on the forums, because if there are we sure cant tell...
LOL at forum moderators.
They seem to love deleting threads that don't breach code of conduct so here's another to keep you happy :)..
How do I contact the forum managers(Moderators)?
I've called customer support regarding a few issues and they told me that I need to contact the server moderators. I'd appreciate it very much if the mods contact me via private message or simple r..
(novare coast)Question to Moderators and people who work on this game
In novare coast, if you phase walk and cap a point. is that an exploit? or is that something that was intended? i cannot in good conscience, report some one for doing this seeing as how this "exploi..
galactic star fighters moderators
so far i noticed that there are a few people in galactic star fighters who may or may not have been using some probably hacks. I watched them 1 hot multiple people in the game in matches, take on th..
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