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Error 1003 and 9000. not my computer or internet connection
I was playing for a good portion of the day with no problems perfectly smoothly. all of a sudden between 6pm-7pm pacific i started to hit what semed.....
Error 9000.
I literally resubbed like 20 minutes ago and I already have a game destroying issue. Whenever I enter a warzone, the game will log me out to the.....
Disconect FehlerCode 9000...
Hallo zusammen... ich wollte mal fragen ob mir jemand helfen kann . Ich habe seid dem letzten Patch immer nach 30 sec ein disconect... Dieses.....
Error 9000...and tired of it.
After a whole two years of not playing SWTOR, I decided to come back when I saw the special 40% off deal going on until the end of March.I re-subscribed about 4 days ago and the game has been almost u..
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