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Skill activation Bug (big hint for developers)
I get the issue that sometimes skills do not activate at all when used in PvP, they are greyed out for no reason and pressing the key binding does.....
SWTOR PvP Guide - one PvP hint for every solo SWTOR Class
Using your companions right will allow you to perform set quests by yourself because they is generally exceptionally powerful. SWTOR Guide - PvP .....
Need a hint for Ancient Glyph puzzle in Emperors Hall
Puzzled over the puzzle, but am still puzzled (and I was pretty good at Tomb Raider) and haven't got the foggiest idea. Any hints? I know there is.....
Coruscant Justicar Territory Datacron hint
I had a lot of trouble doing the jumps onto pipes, and from pipe to pipe, until I figured this out: The 'sweet spot' for landing on the pipes.....
Hint for tech team
I don't know if BIO tech. staff knows about this but I encountered a rather weird issue that was causing my game to either crash on starting screen.....
Anzeige Bug Scharfschtze bei "Hinterhalt"
Seit dem Patch ist die Animation von "Hinterhalt" verbugged. Es sieht so aus als ob der Schuss nicht von der eigenen Waffe kme sondern aus einem anderen Winkel auerhalb des Bildes. Den glei..
Is there any hint of another way to obtain Nico Okarr?
I recently married (July) and changed my last name. I only got my credit card in order yesterday, called support and they couldn't help as this wasn't an account problem. Missing it by 3 days is infur..
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