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Searching for monkeys

Recklessness monkeys instead of smash monkeys? Maybe lol
First of all sorry if my english is special, its not my main language. So I was thinking about something,stacking our gear like smash monkeys,.....
[Video] Ranked Smash Monkeys
5 Sentinels, 1 guardian tank, and 2 healers is the new OP composition. 105 kills by the end. Discuss: Disclaimer: I had just hit 55 the same day...
Counter against smash monkeys
I am tired of asking around forum how to counter one class after another. Last time it was about a counter against watchman sentinels. Now it's about a counter against smash monkeys. In 2012, it was v..
As a tank, which do you hate more? Jump monkeys or force wave spammers?
My money's on force wave spammers. Jump monkeys are annoying for their go-go-go tunnel vision, but nothing is more irritating than having a nice pile of mobs gathered up to be AOE'd down, only for so..
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