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Searching for angry

Grade 8 Crafting Material Boxes, Bugs, and INCREDIBLY Angry.
I spent 200 Fleet Commendations for a Grade 8 Crafting Material Box. First one ever. Need the items too for an upgrade, so I was looking forward to.....
Angry Feedback from paying customer
I work on weekdays about 12h a day and I want to relax just playing a game for while.. My computer is top notch and connection too, but your patches.....
I think we all agree to have our characters transferred off harbinger I pay money to play the game and expect no problems atleast not this kind I demand a good amount of cartel coins or anything to ma..
animation glitch possibly due to /angrydance
one character on my account has begun sliding on the ground stiff as a stick once entering combat or speeder. i believe this may be a result of unlocking /angrydance. considering that character who j..
VERY angry customer
First, I was going to post here saying I don't appreciate my character spending twenty minutes puking their guts up because he caught the stupid rakghoul plague WHILE ON THE FLEET. Not where the plag..
Anyone else angry about PVP screwing up PVE mechanics?? GRRR
I am so very tired of PvP whining screwing up player classes all under the guise of 'Balance". There will NEVER be balance as proven historically by the developers attempts and failures. STOP SCREWING..
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