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AoE flagging: Working as Intended?
My wife and I were questing on Hoth yesterday. We play on a PvE server and were not flagged for pvp. I was tanking a few mobs in a Heroic 4 area. .....
is the stun resolve bar working as intended?
my bar is allways emptying while i am still stunned. so at the end of one stun i am good and ready to get stunned again. and it is not groups of.....
Is this intended? (Voidstar 1.3 change)
Just wondering if the ability for Consulars/Inquisitors to get on top of the middle walkway using Force Speed was intended, since it seems impossible.....
PvP experience... working as intended?
While I'm enjoying gaining a level for every 4 war zones (Not an exaggeration), it's a little much. On my level 40 and my level 20 I'm gaining a.....
7k smash,...intended?
The next day after 1.2 patch release my gunnery managed to crit about 5k with his Demolition round having 5 stacks of grav on my target. It was.....
Resolve values working as intended?
Keep this in mind, this doesn't happen often during warzones and you have to be paying attention to your own resolve bar. But I have had where I get.....
Big Problem with Saber Reflect, Working as intended?
So far, from my experience with Saber reflect on my tank I seem to dodge or deflect (not reflect) some ranged attacks instead of bouncing them back......
Bolster working as Intended?
Is bolster working as Intended at lvl 55? Has any word been given if so? I'd be very surprised if it was, as the only logical explanation for the bolster system working as it is at lvl 55 is that E..
Textbox Bug or intended?
So I have split my textbox tabs into two separate chat boxes. The "general" textbox chat settings consists of Trade all the way down through group and my "other" textbox consists of ch..
New operations not in Groupfinder - Intended?
I assumed with 2.4 Dread Fortress and Dread Palace would be added to groupfinder, but they are nowhere to be found ... was this intended? Or must you finish the story on Oricon first?..
Sorc/Sage god bubble through acid. Working as intended?
Acid tie breaker. Dat bubble OP yo. Working as intended? Thoughts?..
PvP Hack or Working as Intended?
Bit of a brouhaha on Bergeren today about a pvp incident in a pve area. I'd like to know if it's WAI or if this is something players are using as a hack to up their pvp scores. Here's how it happe..
Evasion Bugged or intended? We need more like this for hardswitch to come true!
When getting hardstun the effect of agent/smuggler evasion gets neglected. I allways thought it would be intended due the agent not able to move he cant dodge anything. I would very much appreciate ..
Are relics working as intended?
I'm having trouble finding a serendipitous assault relic that works in pvp. I have 3 version's currently. 224, 230, and 240. None of which proc. It would be nice to get a response from the devs on..
Gear Vendors: broken or working as intended?
so I noticed that the equipment I have that has the EXACT same name as the gear I need to buy equipment parts from the new vendors, isn't being recognized as the right piece. is this a bug/mistake or ..
Chapter IV working as intended?
Hello. First off - I really appreciate the different difficulty modes of the story content; haven't had problems with the Veteran Mode so far. At the moment I am stuck in Chapter IV with that Pur..
Working as Intended? Civil War, Invisible Capper Bug
This marauder appears to be capping without the usual, visible white beam over their head. I've been gone for 2-3 months; is this a known bug? I used my intro and outro bc i worked hard on it. Sorry ..
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