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Searching for unstuck

How do you get unstuck ingame
Cant unstick with command and cant teleport out how do i solve this?..
Stuck at the Trooper Mission Tavus ship can't unstuck!!
Hello, I'm at the trooper storyline in tavus' ship and I'm stuck at space. I cannot unstuck my character tried everything!! I issued a ticket.....
Bitte implementiert ein sinnvolles unstuck
Es ist einfach rgerlich man bleibt immer noch an jeder Ecke/Kiste/etc. in dem Spiel hngen oder manchmal auch einfach so in offener Umgebung und..... the over 20 minutes i waited for someone to get me unstuck...
a sorc finally pulled me out of the crappy world...
Im stuck on fence and i cant get unstuck
im stuck and i've tried /stuck a few times now, but it wont unstuck me or kill me :(..
I am stuck and can't get unstuck
Hello, i was playing with my friend he is a bounty hunter and me a juggernaut in the spirit of vengeance location, but now i am stuck and can't do anything. tried /stuck and /unstuck, wasted my fle..
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