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Searching for shard

Missing matrix shard
I went to assemble my matrix cube at the assembler on dromund kaas and when i went in there, set all three pedestals to red, and activated the.....
Kinetic Matrix shards... No Will/Def?
I've been looking around online and I am seeing that there are no Will/Def Matrix Cubes... is this correct? I just hit 50 and I'm gonna be sad if I.....
Matrix Shard Recipe
I read somewhere that there are 4 levels of matrix cubes, if this is true, if I create a lv.32 cube, since I am at lv.46, once I hit 50 will it.....
matrix shard or relic - pvp
So basically i have BM power relic, BM surge/crit relic which also gives 51 expertise. Im in a dilema whether to have both of these equip or drop one.....
Chevin Event - Shard of Harterra
The turret isn't spawning for me or others...
Yellow Matrix Shard on Nar Shaddaa
Ok.. Seriously... Spent over an hour jumping up to it, only to have the SERVER bug every *********** time i jumped on the boxes and send me back.....
EU -> NA shard transfer?
Yes I know this is not possible yet. But when paid character transfers first became available we were informed that getting this issue resolved would be a high priority. Well that was nearly 2 years..
Have Matrix Shards been removed?
Hi, Last night I started a new character and while levelling around Hutta I noticed that the Datacrons are now legacy wide. I was going to find the blue shard that's also in this area. After doing a ..
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