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Searching for ranked.

No reconnect feature for ranked...Really ?
I seriously don't understand how this hasn't been fixed..
PvP fairness. Warzones ranked and unranked.
Hello SWTOR community. Maddison here again with yet another post :) This is not a QQ post, I've never been one to cry on the forums about.....
The PvP team likes to be transparent - unless you're asking about ranked. "Schubert: Our attitude on PvP is generally to be more transparent." "Schubert: In Germany, it was all about taking away the ran..
MIN Gear Requirement with solo Ranked.
There needs to be some kind of minimum gear rank for solo arenas. I have lost a few matches because I will get a teammate who has level 50 gear on in a ranked match and then will just get destroyed. P..
So now we have ranked....
And yet people still quit with NO PUNISHMENT! I know I'm not the only person that has lost round round 1 but won round 2 and 3 BUT when people quit in RANKED matches!!!!! YOU CANT COME BACK I..
Please bring 8v8 warzones to solo ranked.
Now we got a Solo Ranked que system implemented already, I think we should bring the 8v8 warzones to the Solo Ranked games. Let's face it, solo ranked arenas is crappy. Random pug arenas favors ste..
Remove bolster from ranked.
It has no business being active in ranked, take it out. Its a buggy mess and people still exploit the hell out of it...
Not balanced specs in solo ranked.
Twice in 12 games. Working as intended? It's certainly not making it more fun...
An idea to fix the Bolster vs PvP gear issue: Expertise requirement for Ranked.
Just had this idea.... what if a gate requirement was put on Ranked queues? You would only be allowed to queue for Ranked if you had full expertise, which is currently 2018. Use the same kind of mecha..
Worst players you've seen in solo ranked.
To start it off here is a picture of a person who queued as hybrid and did 10k damage the entire game. If anyone has any screenshots i'd love to see if anyone else is as unlucky with pugs as I am...
Why isn't solo ranked...
1 v 1 Makes far more sense than having a group of 4 randoms put together. Obviously, class balance would be significantly worse in 1 v 1 than 4 v 4. However, after enough time things would balance ..
Help with my sage in ranked...
Ive just recently started doing ranked, went 5-5 in my first 10 matches but have hit about an 0-6 skid, so Im wondering if theres anything Im doing or not doing thats contributing to me not doing bett..
3-4 in ranked....
happens all the time either the match starts with 3-4 or it has 4 and one drops leaving you team at impossible odds, I say the team with 3 players shouldnt be penilized with a rating drop seeing as h..
Well done devs on adding daily and weekly to ranked.
As the title says, this is a great idea and well done. Ranked queue was always meant to attract better geared and more competitive players, but was lacking the incentive that dailies and weeklies prov..
Preferred and Ranked.
So I was wondering why it is, even with a warzone weekly pass you cannot do Solo Ranked. And honestly I'm still waiting for the removal of WZ restrictions that Bioware brought up right before 2.4 was..
If we can't get unique mounts for ranked...
... Give us mounts for some hard to achieve pvp thing. Pvp doesn't get unique mounts like Pve because you can always get Pve mounts, while Pvp rewards are time limited, i understand that. So give ..
Average wait times on ranked. and possible solutions without x-server.
"Better than x-server" lol FIRST OFF! I know that this is going to all be based on personal experience to those answering. Saying that... What is your average wait time on a ranked..
Why no 8v8 ranked...
included with 4s in solo? For group, it's whatever, keep it at 4s only, but YOLO would be so much more interesting playing all maps, and having a chance to win through strategy when team composition i..
ELO rating system doesn't work for solo ranked...
There are too many unknown variables that contribute to your rating, i.e., the quality and composition of the group with which you are placed . In fact, I would argue that the quality/composition of y..
So I just started playing Ranked.....
Title says it all, and I play an Assault Specialist Commando, and I must Every single match is filled to the brim with either shadows, or juggernauts, or sorcerers, very rarely will you se..
DCs in Ranked.
I'm sick of being disconnected during ranked matches and losing rating. More than that though, I'm sick of checking my internet connection to see that it's excellent, and that it was on the server's e..
Number in queue for ranked.
It would be nice if a number of people or teams in queue would show up when you're queued for ranked or thinking of doing so. Due to the long pop times (especially on low pop servers) it would be nice..
Solo ranked as well as grouped ranked.
Let me ask if yall would approve this. If not then discuss why this wouldn't work. Idea: solo ranked match will NOT pop without a full comp. 1 tank 1 healer 2 dps. For each team. The same goes with ..
POT5 RANKED..... (or lack of it)
I'm really disappointed. I have just re-subscribed for the sole purpose of ranked pvp. I finally got geared enough for ranked season 5 yet there is not 1 single ranked warzone match that pops for me..
So I picked up Anni/Carn Mara and Lethality Op for solo Ranked.
Holy ****. I haven't had more fun since I first started playing Swtor. Throwing dual sabers is fcking awesome and the lethality offheals...LOL talk about trollsy! For anyone who hasn't played a maraud..
Let's Commemorate The Honorable Samurais of Solo Ranked.
Solo ranked is where all the salt and trash-talking in the world coincide but today I would like to take the time to talk about something different. This is dedicated to one of the Greatest Samurais..
Thanks for being cool in solo ranked. No sarcasm!
Ran heals, and dps in solo ranked on Harbinger last few days. Only had one obnoxious player who cried in chat when we lost. Honestly, I expected much more negativity, and even that wasn't too bad. ..
Throwers ruining ranked.
Or should I say, thrower. One guy, who I won't name because it's against forum rules, is throwing every single game he is in. Most everyone on Harbinger probably knows who he is by now. He does this ..
hacking again in ranked.
hackers again in ranked. put tickets in a lot, why is nothing be done about it? again. Even if you ban them at the nd of the season or take away their rating. It is hurting my rating now! it is effect..
Solution for trolls an hackers in ranked.
Allow us to ignore ppl an not get queued with them. You may be thinking, but wont that slow down the already suffering queue time? I dont believe so, because smart players will realize if they block..
Please remove the ELO based matchmaking system from solo ranked.
I've been doing some research on how the this stupid matchmaking works in ranked because it's a total nutter sometimes. I've also been reading that they are planning to improve ranked and I thought ..
Please put an end to stealth trolling in ranked.
Just please. Stop having ranked pvp a joke. :l This is one of the reasons. Nerf stealth level over time for as long as the character stays in stealth. Stealth trolling is out of hand. Every single rou..
Medicine Operatives in ranked...?
So I was wondering, are there any medicine operatives still in ranked? If so, how do you do it? It seems like every healer that is queueing is a sorc, and that just isn't funny. I don't want to have..
Please do not award new mats for Solo Ranked. Other rewards are fine but not mats.
First of all it's great to see how many people queue TR. And TR should be the source of materials. Both serious players can enjoy meme teams of farmers for rating and farmers are happy by just getting..
Mercs and Maras in ranked.
Let's talk mercs and maras in a general sense in ranked. As a brief introduction I do not want this to become a "nerf merc" or "nerf mara" or a QQ fest about how they are OP, but instead understanding..
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