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Ticket response not pertaining to Ticket message?
I bought & opened a Hypercrate: Acoloyte pack on Jan 22. After opening all packs I realized I had received NONE of the Jawa Junk. Numerous blues & greens though. So I opened a ticket, just a..
Wishful Thinking Pertaining to Fallen Empire
Disclaimer: This might be (probably is) wishful thinking. Continue reading at the risk of your own sanity. :p It seems like SWTOR is attempting to move away from imps vs pubs. We've seen it with SoR ..
4.4 patch notes pertaining to PVP and APG popping too much
Warzones Players can no longer get stuck and die while in Rishi Cove Arena and Odessen Proving Grounds. Reduced the frequency at which the Odessen Proving Grounds occurs in the Unranked Warz..
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