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Searching for objects

Can't interact with game objects
Tried to click on the elevator control at the Balmorra space station from the Trooper lock and I could not interact with it. I logged off and on to.....
Objects are rendering at the wrong depth after hooking an hdmi cable to it.
I hooked up an hdmi cable this morning and when I logged in there was red, blue and green all over the place. I put it in full screen and a message saying "some objects are rendered at the wrong ..
The Gift YR-02 paint job and why imp S-12 scout self distruct on invisible objects.
So here is the YR-02 paint job we all got in the mail applied to my imp S-12 scout. Here is what happens when I ctrl-left click the item on a P..
Lots of objects popping up at small distances
Hey guys, I've noticed that there are a lot of objects that pop up when at a very close distance which can be quite annoying. For example, here are 2 screenshofts of 2 NPCs popping up in a cant..
Black outline around objects (space battles, Corellina buildings)
In space missions with light background scenery, and on Corellia there are many objects with a thin black outline surrounding them. For example, in space missions:
Graphic issue - don't see my spaceship and other objects
Hi all, I have a problem and hopefully you can help me out! I can't seem to find a existing thread so excuse me if I didn't look properly :) So here is my issue, its seems that some objects lik..
Any way to increase drawing distance of objects (trees/npcs)?
Trees and objects in the game nearly appear like 20-30m in front of me. Any way to increase the drawing distance of objects? Thx in advance...
Players as solid objects in warzones
Tried to search for this subject but couldn't find anything on it so opening the discussion. Anyone ever thought that it would be good for pvp if characters would be regarded as solid objects? Right ..
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