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Is legacy surname needed?
:csw_trooper: I have not created a legacy surname (name) yet and wondered do you must have one to open the legacy tree and claim legacy rewards.....
Can full Rage Juggernauts tank respectable when needed?
Been thinking about rolling a Juggernaut. My problem is I like all parts of the game, I love tanking for flashpoints, look forward to do many.....
Artificial Weekly Caps...why are they needed?
I don't get why we have Weekly Caps. Well, I kind of do, but I don't get why the implementation of that you can't gain more than X Tokens per week is.....
Is Bitraider needed?
Hi like the title says I have been having problems like a lot of other people have been having with lag etc and during a game session once bitraider crashed but my game kept running, the funny thing..
Temp storage needed?
Quick question: Does the disk space required in the system requirements include what is needed for any temporary/swap file such of thing? I have a small amount of reserve on my C drive and am thinking..
ARE CLOTHES NEEDED (OTHER THAN THE WEAPONS)\ SO NO STATS are carried over from any apparel (other than the weapons functionality)? - or what does customizing do for a droid companion or any othe rc..
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