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Searching for lightside

How to earn lightside points at empire side?
Hi, i dont like to be bad anymore and i tried out some things here but it seems all fixed. Maybe i missed something and anyone can help me out.....
Combat Difference between LIghtside and Darkside Jaesa Wilsaam
*Simple question: Are there any combat differences between Lightside and Darkside Jaesa Wilsaam, the melee dps companion for Sith warriors?* I.....
Darkside/LightSide Neutrality Armor?
IS there gear out there for those who are balenced , or "Neutral" when it come to Dark side or Light Side Points?..
Question about lightside-darkside for each class
I've been told playing a light side agent is "pro empire" or a dark side bounty hunter is ruthless professional so i'm wondering what would the.....
From Darkside V to Lightside V
Is there any type of reward for going from Loathsome to Pure? I have been poking around but haven't found any thing indicating yes or no...
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