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Searching for highest

Darkness Sins - Let's See Your Highest WZ Damage
Darkness Assassins, please put in what build you are as well as a screenshot of your highest damage in a Warzone. Purely for fun and for.....
Highest Pop RP Server
I am rather new to the game and am rather interested in in RP communities. Anyone know what the good RP servers are? I don't want to randomly guess.....
Highest ranked teams?
Just as the title says wondering what the highest ranked teams are from each server...
"Highest Ranked Ratiing" stat
I submitted a bug report about the "Highest Ranked Rating" stat being wrong. The other day my team rating was 1309 (which sucks I know), now my.....
Which Class has the Highest Survivability?
I've recently gotten fairly tired of my Sniper because often I just feel like there's absolutely nothing I can do to keep from dying when certain.....
Team rating highest earned
Last night we did 11 ranked warzones, we got a team rating of 922 and highest earned of 962. Now this morning i logged in and the highest earned.....
Highest hitting spec
Hey guys, I was playing my balance sage earlier and pvp'ed for a bit and kinda got bored with never seeing massive numbers on my screen as most my.....
highest dps parse WITHOUT BT
whats the highest a marauder can parse without using BT? I have yet to see one over 2050, while others claim they can do 2100-2200 without BT np,.....
Highest Crits red eclipse cant figure out how to actually get the screenshot to show :S..
how come the scoreboard fails to show highest hit?
i've been hitting for 7-8k(without damage buff) on my little vanguard all day but still it never shows these as the highest.. is something broken or what?..
Highest DPS in Arenas?
Saw this mara named Gamehead today in arenas. Even though he died almost instantly two rounds in a row, he can now lay claim to the highest DPS record ever!!!
Highest Republic-side server population
I'm starting a republic character, and I haven't played since beta, so I was curious which server has the largest republic population?..
Highest Earned Rank Question
Got my 10 matches in yesterday, had a Highest Earned Rank. Played some more...didn't do that well. Ended the night with a lower rank. Today, my Highest Earned Rank is the rank I ended the night with....
What the highest hp you could theoretically get as a sage
As the title says how high could you go before gimping Your heals or dps to much Could you even get over 35k without tank gear? I'm starting gearing my sage at the moment it's in half conquer half..
Highest earned solo rating not accurate
Solo rating 2711 Highest earned 2652 Basic math = violated Proof = I've seen a bug report about team ratings, are the developers aware that this affects the solo rat..
Which is highest PvE tier gear with bonuses? +bolster question
Hi, I am lost in the gear and I need some help. First: What I want to achieve: I want to use a 4-set PvE bonus for my PvP character. What's the problem: The highest tier armor with set bonu..
Highest Damage Done
What is the highest damage done you have ever seen in a WZ? PT Pyro: 2.1 million..
PvP Leader Boards: Should Display HIGHEST rating, not current.
Since the season rewards are based off your highest rating, not current. Wouldn't it make sense for them to also ONLY display and be based off your best? Also. Please update them =)..
Highest pop servers?
Hello, I am more of a returning player and it's been a while. I was curious if anyone could tell me what the highest pop servers are? I thought I saw somewhere that the server status page was a little..
Worlds Highest Sin Madness DPS?
I did some good dps on my madness sin :) highest ever? ^)^
which server has highest ranked and pvp activity?
thanks guys..
Highest rated pvp is an operative from Jar'kai sword?
Who is this guy? there is only only 6 guys on this server with 100 to 400 wins. EVERYONE below them are 1500 rating with an average of 50 wins. Is this guy super mlg and carries all teh bads :rak_..
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