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Searching for gear,

Top level PvE gear, useless for PvP or?
Is PvP gear an absolute must to be of any use in a fight? Or could somebody in PvE gear hold their own? I'm guessing it's the former, but I would.....
Legacy gear, screwing over PVP players again.
I have a free month thanks to Bioware's incompetence and that is the only reason I am here to make this post. I'm putsing around with a low level.....
Look at this gear, no touchy
Rated WZ gear. I want to hurry up n buy...
Shadow BM gear, what is the set bonus tied to?
Long story short, I'm more interested in the 2 piece survivor set bonus, rather than the 4 piece stalker bonus, but I'd like to keep as many of the.....
So everytime PvE gets a new tier of gear, we get a new set to grind in PvP too?
The last thing i want to see in swtor, is another tier above war hero in the next 2 months. Instead of keeping the War Hero as top tier PvP gear.....
Rakata - BM Gear, can u switch out mods?
Per the title; can I take the mods out of BM PVP gear and place them into Rakata while still keeping the bonus of Rakata (2-piece bonus)?..
Accedently sold rakata headgear, not in buy back list
Is there anyway to get it back after update 2.0 where it was replaced with artifact, black market/arkanian and underworld/verpine gear?..
Another tier of gear, already?
Is this true? I'll be damned if I have to grind another set of Min/Max gear for this game .. Its already been countless sets .. I'll be out if they introduce another tier so soon .. would that make P..
How to Become a Contender: Supplemental(Bolster, PvP Gear, and You)
Hello everyone. L-Randle here, providing more details about the current state of PvP gearing in the Bolster World we all know and love;). I am starting this as a supplemental to the main "contende..
Upgrge Gear, How Often?
I have a full set of the modable orange gear to start levelling in. I was curious as to how often should I look at upgrading the mods/armor etc? Also, what's the easiest/cheapest way to do this ea..
Buying PVP gear, completely lost
Recently resubbed after a long break and I'm a little confused as to what gear I should be buying. I'm a level 55 Sentinel, Focus spec with almost capped out WZ and Ranked WZ Comms. Should I go for..
Expertise in Warzones @ zero but in PVP gear, what gives?
Hey guys, Level 65 Sith Sorcerer, Lighting, sorry if this is a loaded question, but I can't seem to find a current non-obsolete answer to this.. Since 4.0, withe level cap to 65 and other changes l..
The new system is still going to require us to have two sets of gear, BioWare.
Gearing for PVP is not the same as gearing for PVE. For example, accuracy is considered to be a very useful stat to invest in, for operations. In PVP, accuracy is universally considered one of the mos..
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