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Please Fix...
...the damn ops frames bug. The game has been out for 4+ months already. In situations where the fighting is intense around a node, being able to.....
Crash to Desktop fix...
Yeah right. The past two days it was actually just fine. Didn't crash at all. DL the new "fix" and within one hour i have crashed 3 times. ***!?!.....
Don't nerf Operatives until you fix...
The rooted while Exfiltrating stuck bug where you have to leave the War Zone to fix it. Why are you nerfing a class because bads QQ when there is still a game breaking bug that you haven't fixed yet?..
Extremely simple arena Q fix...
Make the WZ pop indicate if the WZ is 8v8 or 4v4, requires next to no programming, they would still share a Q, and the portion of us that dislike 4v4 could simply hit decline. No more 2v4s/3v4s becaus..
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