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Agent mission "The New Truth" bugged unable to complete.
My newly created agent cannot complete the mission "The New Truth" I defeated the enemies, the mission says "Download the holo recordings" I click.....
Latest patch 2.6.1 stuck on 100% update complete.Play Button Greyed out
Patch Fully downloaded,I cannot play as the play button has been greyed out.Any help would be appreciated..
Installing 100%; Complete....but play button is still grayed out?
Per the title, the launcher seems to be stuck at 'installing 100%', despite also telling me it's complete. I've tried deleting the BitRaider folder - twice - only to get struck by the same problem. ..
Class Quest Will NOT Load. Can't Complete.
I have only one quest in my log and it's name is "Kingmaker for a Day". It says to click the holoterminal on my ship. When I do that a quest tries to load, but fails. I have clicked it a hund..
Installing 100% - Updating Complete.........
Getting this one the launcher Installing 100% - Updating Complete......... Will not finish or allow me to press play Bellow is a screenshot. Anyone else having this issue?
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