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Searching for balloon

Fix the Jawa Balloon
While every attempt I've made to use the Jawa Balloon has failed the failures might all be tied to the use of emotes, specifically /sit. Not much.....
Tattooine Balloon still bugged..
So here we are 5 months after the launch of the game and the balloon on tatt to get the datacrons is still bugged. 3 times today it's dropped me.....
Jawa Balloon still resets randomly
Not sure if this is a still considered a bug, or that the bug was "fixed" (according to Patch Notes 1.2.0.....
Jawa Balloon Bug!
I know this is in the known bugs list, but this really needs to be fixed. Not everyone.. in fact most people.. don't read these forums. I know.....
Balloon Still Glitched After Almost 1.5 Years?
So I started a new char again after having quit since August. Got to Tatooine today and decided to farm datacrons. Tried twice then gave up. Both.....
Tatooine Balloon ride Tall char strength datacron problems
If this is in the wrong forum place sorry, not for sure where to post this. I had this problem before with the Tatooine datacron strength in beta and always think its me, but have tried so much with d..
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