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Searching for amazing

Amazing Idea ! Read
Hmmm, I would like to share my thoughts with you guys. Since the PVP sucks as hell Since they give free R60 to imperials Since they will .....
It really amazes me how 1 or 2 pubes can hold all 3 bunkers in the nova coast warzone (or whatever its called) against 5 or 6 imps. There is a.....
Ranked Warzones are amazing. Video evidence of how well done and balanced it is. It even has some ghost side-levels! Also, BW, fix.....
Amazing operatives...
After 5 months break from the game I am amazed to come back to experience that operatives are just as broken op as they were when I left. How.....
Ancient Hypergate - Amazing Game
Hi all, If you don't know we are currently running a RWZ Tournament on Master Dar'Nala called the R.A.W (Ranked APAC Warzone) Championship. It's a.....
Sage healers are amazing tanks
The amount of damage they can absorb is insane. The other day we marked a healer in hypergates, 6 of us were attacking it to bring it down... It didnt use its force barrier... But he was heal..
Guardian Leap is amazing.
Tank friend's log when i guardian leaped to him, last fight in a CZ 198 boss. Take a look for yourself :D
Chubby Juggy's Hybrid of Unparalleled Amazingness
26/18/2 Note: PvP spec... please don't bring this into PvE, or I will Backhand you :eek: Note 2: Also, don't bring this into Ranked PvP. You'll get marked as a tank and completely doom your team ..
let's talk about this amazing matchmaking for Ranked )This is a Rant, you're warned
Disclaimer: This is a Rant, I know many people can make this yolo ranked queue work for them, but I'm not one of them, please bioware fix this before the next 2 years... oh and give us 2V2... just do ..
Amazing open world PVP video
We were having a 2 sided battle in open world pvp and in the end another enemy group came and started attacking their group so there was 3 groups all in battle against each other!! https://www.yout..
(Topic that will be ignored, as usual) The amazing Hero engine strikes again
So you guys wanna get the best edge in pvp? No problem! With the astonishing Hero engine, you just need to make a sage/sorc premade and sync your quakes/storms and there you have it: permanent stun fo..
New map is amazing.
New map is amazing. I have no idea how ppl can call it complicated since I understood general idea and what to do there after watching Sanve's stream on pts. It has tons of objective game play and ye..
An amazing post by Overwatch's director PvPers should read The full post is behind the spoiler. One of the most interesting and insightful things is the psychology that people bring to the game. Kaplan ..
"It's in the storm we can see real players.." Amazing...
Ørage Swtor presentsORAGE SWTOR | "Ouloulou" | Team BLVCKLIST Team identity: BLVCKLIST Nationality: French Servers: The Red Eclipse Enj..
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