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Searching for (empire)

[Guide] Slicing farm route 50k in less than 20min at level 25+ (Empire)
You need to have slicing at 340+ and a speeder then go to Ilum. Stats from my last run with a level 25 non-stealth char: Time: 18mins Died 1-2.....
How do I make a guild? (Empire)
From what I understand, you need to register your guild on Dromund Kaas. I'm a semi-new player (been playing for 3 months) and I've never made a.....
Easy strength + endurance datacrons (empire)?
Sooner or later I am going to start farming datacrons. I am asking experienced players, which planet datacrons (empire side), regarding strength + endurance are the easiest to get, to get me starte..
Update 2 7 - New PVP Gear (Empire) (Video)
Kid-Lee takes a look at the new ranked PVP gear for Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 2.7. The Republic video is coming soon.
[H4] Jawa Trade (Empire) on Tatooine prerequisite mission?
I have a level 31 marauder and the quest giver, Lana Corrs, has no quest symbol over her head. She only has flavor responses when I click on her. I completed this quest before on my agent but that w..
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